Translation Projects
In the following, I would like to present a few translation and localisation projects in more detail.
Translation of product presentations for the relaunch of the DC-Software website
In May 2023, the provider of software solutions for soil engineering DC-Software decided to relaunch the corporate website. In the framework of this project, the Munich-based company entrusted me with the translation of all product texts of the two product ranges Foundation Engineering and Soil Mechanics. To ensure consistency with existing content, it was important to comply with the terminology used so far and to match the new texts to the existing ones. The translation project comprised 31 texts in the Foundation Engineering range and 33 texts in the Soil Mechanics range. The translation was handled using MS Word files and the target texts were integrated by the customer.
Product presentations of the Foundation Engineering range
Product presentations of the Soil Mechanics range
Translation of website content for the redesign of the FRILO website
The Stuttgart-based company FRILO Software GmbH has been developing calculation programs for structural analyses and design for over 45 years and offers comprehensive solutions for a wide range of tasks. In 2022, the company decided to redesign the corporate website. In the context of our long-standing collaboration, I was involved in this modernisation as a specialist translator. I translated the newly designed product pages of the sections Steel, Reinforced Concrete, Timber & Roof, Foundation Engineering & Foundations, Masonry, and Load into English. The project comprised 82 product texts with a volume of over 33,000 words and was completed in seven batches from April to August 2022. The texts were integrated into the CRM by the customer.
Steel Product Range (example)
Reinforced Concrete Range (example)
Translation of an entire Website using WPML’s Advanced Editor
The website of the Swabian manufacturer of ventilation systems Rentschler REVEN GmbH was completely relaunched in late 2020. The company chose WordPress as its content management system, and the English version was realised with the help of WPML.
I was entrusted with the review of the German texts and the translation of these texts into English. This time, I decided to translate the texts online using the Advanced Editor provided by the WPML plug-in. The web designer and I considered this solution to be more dynamic and future-proof than exporting and re-importing the texts which often involves time-consuming post-editing work. However, quality assurance in this translation project was far more difficult than with the traditional translation environment tools, as only rudimentary functions are available online for this task. Nevertheless, I managed to realise the project within the tight deadlines and deliver it on time.
Website of a manufacturer of air-purifying equipment
Translation of software manuals and marketing texts for structural calculation and design software
Since 2009, I have been working with the company FRILO Software GmbH in Stuttgart. The company has been developing software for structural calculation and design for 45 years and offers a wide range of products. In the framework of this cooperation, I have translated online help texts, software manuals and product presentations for structural analysis programs into English. Here are some representative translation projects from various disciplines:
Gravity Wall Manual

Fin Plate Manual

Glued Laminated Girder Manual

Translation of product catalogues for ventilation systems
Since the beginning of my freelance career, I have worked closely with the company Rentschler REVEN GmbH. In the course of our cooperation, mutual trust has grown steadily and in the meantime, the manufacturer of fume extraction systems and air purifiers entrusts TÜES with all language services for German, English and French, including the correction and revision of the German source texts.
The product catalogue has been translated into 14 languages. We have been responsible for the English and French versions since 2013.
Product catalogue for ventilation systems

Translation of information videos on ventilation technology

Translation of the website of a well-known manufacturer of high-quality wood products
In 2016, TÜES was entrusted with the translation of the website of Adolf Münchinger Holz-Import-Export GmbH & Co.KG into English and French. In cooperation with a colleague whose mother tongue is French, we translated the content of the comprehensively revised website with its new responsive design, including PDFs for download. The texts were checked by four-eye proofreaders after translation. The changes that have been made in the meantime have also been translated by us for the most part.
Münchinger Website

Translation of the textbook Tabellenbuch Elektrotechnik
In 2008, the publishing house Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel commissioned TÜES to translate the textbook for apprentices in electrical engineering Tabellenbuch Elektrotechnik, 22nd edition into English. This book presents the essential learning field contents of electrical engineering, lighting engineering, electronics and information technology. In cooperation with my partner layouter elenoi, a four-eye proofreader and a specialist proofreader, we delivered the print-ready data for the first English edition to the publisher.
In 2015, we edited the changes from five new German editions for integration into the text of the second English edition.

Translation of the textbook Tabellenbuch Metall
In 2009, the publishing house Europa-Lehrmittel again turned to us for the translation of updates to the textbook Tabellenbuch Metall. In cooperation with a four-eyes proofreader and a specialist proofreader, TÜES translated the new and revised pages of the 2nd and 3rd editions of the English textbook and delivered them to the layouter of the publishing house.

Translation of a scientific paper
Translation of the scientific article “How Labour made Neoliberalism” by Elizabeth Humphrys and Damien Hill. In this article, the two Australian scholars examine Labour’s role in the emergence and spread of neoliberalism, not only in Australia but also in the US and the UK.